Thursday, 27 September 2012

Plan B- Ill manors

Depending on how well I do in the table tennis tournament, we will begin production tomorrow lunchtime (friday 28th) as a group. This will most likely take place in the green room. We will be bringing in props for the shooting and at some points we will need to improvise.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Storyboard imitate

By the 8th October, as a group we will have created a media text copied and imitated from one of the group members storyboard created over summer.

The roles that we have are:

Camerman- Sam Shaw
Props- group effort
Acting- Danny Williamson/ Adam Harrison
Directing- Harley Young
Editing- Group Effort

The song we have chosen to replicate is Nirvana's song- Sliver

Skills Development Essay

Skill Development Evaluation Essay

Paragraph 1: In the foundation portfolio at first our task was to create a college magazine. In order to create this I had to do planning and a lot of research before completing. For example, I researched into other existing college magazines that I liked and took ideas from theirs in which I thought would look good in a college magazine. I also researched into what colour schemes I should do. In the end I came to the conclusion that I would use the colours that represented Wyke College as it would make sense and also the colours would draw the reader in as they are colourful and attractive. I had to think what the target audience would like to see in the magazine. As my target audience was college students I thought that I would include a competition inside, I decided that this would be for an iPod as this is what sixth form students would be interested in. I had to carefully decide also about what price to charge my magazine at. I had to think about the fact that the majority of the 1st and 2nd year students do not have jobs so they may not be able to afford or may not want to buy the college magazine.
For my music magazine in my foundation portfolio I chose to do the genre- RnB.  I thought this would be best for me as I knew the most about this genre. However still a lot of research had to be done. This research comes in the form of looking into existing artists and the sort of music they created. Also which artists came under the genre so I was able to link and include them in either the front cove, contents or double page spread. I had to think about and look into the sorts of colours in which you would use to represent the genre. In the end I went for a bluey green colour as this represents a happy theme and the RnB music is generally happy, fast flowing and usually upbeat. The font That I used had to be thought about quite deeply. For example for a music magazine with the classical genre you would use classy italic font as this would display and link to the style of music, very soft and relaxing. For Rnb I decided to do a faded and ragged look to the font. I found the font on a website. The font related to the genre as it was in your face and had a cheery look about it which relates again to RnB music. Another part of research I had to do is look into the layout of existing music magazines. I had to look at where about the image was placed and how much of the page it took up. In the end I decided not to use too much text on the front cover as if the audience were to look at that they would not want to pick it up and read all of it. An RnB front cover usually is in your face and very colourful and this is what I attempted to imitate.                                       

Paragraph 2: Before coming into AS Media Studies I already had some skills of the subject as I did it as a BTEC at GCSE. I really enjoyed the course and knew I wanted to further it at A levels. In GCSE Media I improved many things that would prepare me for A levels. One thing that I learnt was that I had to be very creative. In GCSE we made magazines on topics of our choice in which I learnt that I had to think carefully about why I was doing and was always thinking about what other people would want to see and read.
Also with my magazine making in GCSE we used Photoshop which is what we used in AS to make our magazine so using it in GCSE also really helped me develop my skills and confidence when using it this year. Part of my media in GCSE was to do with research which is again a bit part of media A level. I realised how detailed the research had to be, for example if doing a music video and using a certain song, It would be useful to look into the genre of the song, who it would appeal to, would a large audience enjoy the song, do research into the song and also into the artist. This will prepare you nicely for the project as you will already have a strong understanding on the particular area. I think that the post-production part of the project which is the editing will be the most challenging part. I used the adobe premiere pro in GCSE to edit my video so I will have some advantage on others but it was certainly the most challenging area.

Paragraph 3: The skills that I picked up from last year had really helped me in my foundation portfolio as I got a feel of the amount of work that would be required and I learnt a lot on how to manage my time and not leave myself with too much work to do. My creativity also came into the foundation portfolio, I improved this whilst doing GCSE Media Studies. This took a big role in AS level foundation portfolio. I think that I realised how much detail I had to go in and how much research had to be done. I will further take this into A2 media as I now know that the amount of work required is a lot. I did a lot of work on Photoshop in  GCSE as well so I had some experiences with that programme.

Paragraph 4: I think my creativity skill improved throughout the course of the foundation portfolio. An example I would use is definitely the step up in quality from my college magazine final product and my music magazine. I changed a lot of aspects from the college magazine to the music one. When I finished my music magazine I realised what I was capable and realised how much better it was to my first product. My skills on Photoshop also developed as I used that throughout the year. I believe that my skills were much more advanced when creating the music magazine compared to when I produced the college magazine. I became much more creative and did a lot more of thinking outside of the box.

Paragraph 5: In conclusion I think that all of my skills have developed nicely over my time in GCSE Media Studies and my first year of A levels. I have learnt that the work needed for the subject is a huge part of your final grade. My skills have also developed as I have learnt and improved on my skill of going into detail when explaining a certain thing. Also I think that for this forthcoming year I will be well prepared going into the project when creating the music video as I had a lot of experience at GCSE and we did a taster/practise project at the end of the AS year which would give me more ideas on how to structure my video. I learnt things like how to successfully provide lip sync and miming the lyrics for the audience and make them believe that it is the actor singing the song.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Qualitative Data- This is the data that is collected from many different sources which show and gather information. For example- questionnaires can be reliable.

Quantitative Data- This is data that is collected to show information on a specific and certain topic. You could use surevey's or tally charts for example.

I like the ideas used in this video. In my opinion the best thing about this video is the cinematography and camera work. This video is very clever as it shows B.o.B and what looks like him sat on a bench playing his guitar when really it is tricking us and he is actually laying on the floor and people are walking past his head. This is whilst he is singing 'Don't let me fall' which I also think is very clever. The song is also not very well known and this is good so it is something that is new to people.

I quite like the idea of this video because it is very straight forward but also quite interesting and influential.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Qualitative + Quantitative

                Qualitative                                                                                         Quantitative

              Psychographics                                                                                   Demographics

              Values + Attitudes                                                                            pure data statistics